As a company that has decades of experience inspecting and repairing asphalt roofing and many other types of materials for our Philadelphia customers, we know all about how severe storms can threaten the lifespan of a roof. We also know that “small” storms can cause both minor and major damage. Furthermore, we know that it’s […]
You know it’s time for a new car if your old one keeps breaking down. You know it’s time for a new smartphone if your phone is slow to respond or doesn’t work the way you to want it to anymore. However, do you know when it’s time to replace your home’s roof? As roofing […]
While you can have your roof inspected at any time of the year, the fall season is preferable because you can help ensure that it will outlast winter’s frigid temperatures and the harsh storms that often accompany the season. In fact, if you can’t recall the last time you had your roof checked for leaks, […]