How Long Should a New Roof Last?

how long does a new roof last

It can be pretty tempting to ignore the future and enjoy the present benefits of your newly installed roof. It’s always good to enjoy the product of your hard work, but you should already have an idea of how long your roof will last into the future. 

Whether you’re enjoying the perks of a roof replacement or considering getting one, understanding the lifespan of a new roof is critical. Here’s some more information about how long different roof types last:

Asphalt Roofs

Asphalt shingles are used on almost 80% of roofs, typically lasting anywhere from 15 to 30 years. They come in various options, including organic shingles, fiberglass shingles, and 3-tab shingles. The premium version of asphalt shingles are architectural shingles, which form a stronger and more durable roof. How long do architectural roofs last? You’ll be pleased to know that these premium shingles come with a premium lifespan, lasting anywhere from 25 to 30 years.

Wood Shingles

Wood shingles last around 30 years but come with a bit more upkeep and maintenance needs than asphalt roof shingles. The lifespan of a roof with wood shingles is susceptible to the natural effects of degradation, as any chips and breaks in the wood should be addressed immediately. That being said, you can still expect to enjoy a beautiful quality roof throughout all weather conditions.

Clay and Metal Roofs

Clay tiles and metal roofs are some of the longest-lasting roofing materials. Clay tile roofs last around 50 years, while metal roofs can last almost 70 years. Both of these roofs are attractive and durable roofing options that provide an excellent product for the price. You should get them installed by professionals like our metal roofing contractors in Bucks County, PA

Slate Tile Roofs

If you really want to maximize the lifespan of your roof materials, a slate tile roof is a great choice. Slate roofs can last for 100 years and routinely exceed this lifespan. Slate tiles can easily be replaced and require precision and a professional installation. If you’re looking to dive into a slate tile roof, make sure you don’t skip out on getting the right installers for the job.

What Factors Impact the Lifespan of a Roof?

Besides the material type, a few factors play into the lifespan of your roof. Depending on the conditions in your area, your installation quality, and a few other factors, your roof will either extend past its allotted lifespan or wither away under the extreme pressure of its environment.

The Elements

One of the most influential factors on your roof’s life expectancy are the elements it has to face daily. Rain, snow, sleet, and fluctuating temperatures can put a ton of pressure on your roof’s structural integrity — not to mention the impact of major hurricanes and tornadoes on your roofing materials. Even areas with hot and cold weather patterns that produce extreme freeze and thaw cycles can ruin a roof.

The Quality of Your Installation

The importance of a quality installation should never be underestimated, and that goes for any product. Whether you’re getting a roof installation or another home improvement, products won’t last long if they aren’t properly put together. A good roofing contractor will ensure that regardless of the materials used, your roof is in perfect condition to maximize its lifespan.

Roof Ventilation and Insulation

If your roof isn’t properly ventilated and insulated, the sun’s effects will be magnified and wear down the structure. Poor ventilation will absolutely torch your roof’s materials, leading to a replacement sooner than you think. Poor insulation will lead to soaring attic temperatures, and if you combine that with poor ventilation, your attic will be a sauna instead of a comfortable environment.


That part we mentioned about ignoring the future? We meant not thinking about getting proper maintenance for your roof! In order to extend the life of your roof, adequate maintenance is key. This helps point out any roof leaks and structural problems and keeps your roof clean and well cared for. You can even lose warranties if you aren’t getting maintenance on time, so don’t forget to maintain your roof.

Maximize the Lifespan of Your Roof With a Good Roofing Company

C.R. Thompson Roofing can help you maximize the lifespan of your roof with quality installation services and professional maintenance that ensures the value of the work you pay for. Reach out today to our commercial roofing contractors in Philadelphia, and you’ll be one step closer to a quality roof that provides protection and a look that you never thought possible.


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